“Perhaps home is not a place but simply an irrevocable condition.”
- James Baldwin, Giovanni's Room

 Welcome [to] Home.

many of us consider the same qualities in attempting to describe home. it is clear that we share the belief that home is more than a physical setting. to be home is to be / feel safe and secure. it is a destination, but not a location. the sounds and smells that make a memory a place. where you can find comfort; consider it a charging station. a space to be your un-edited self. where there is room to be fluid. home is a place or a person or a thought; many places or no place in particular. something that you carry with you. where you can feel at peace, because fear is absent. at home we can exist without judgment, and have our existence be encouraged. home is a process, home is the process. home is the journey as much as it is what helps us through the journey.

through the process of building this piece, a recurring theme was that home is community. when we move away or are displaced, we can summon the feeling of home, using that embodied information to blend into or cultivate new spheres of fellowship.

In asking folx to describe what Home means to them, I suspect the answers are rooted in an ideal. Ideally, we want or understand home to be largely defined by “positive” feelings or states of being.

Are we totally honest about our feelings, then? Can we consider that home might at times feel like chaos or destruction? Where are we when we are not in a place of peace or safety— are we then displaced and prompted back into a state of seeking? Can home also be the place where we face and integrate our shadows?

Can we be Home as long as we can be present?

My hope is that, in embracing and benefiting from the existence of community, we also commit to the collective responsibility of home-making.
All of Us deserve a place to call Home.

home is never too far away to travel back to.
my community is my home, and together we take care of it.
i am here.
i am safe.

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